Сарадња између Архива Војводине и Конгресне библиотеке у Вашингтону

Cooperation Between The Archives of Vojvodina and The Library of Congress in Washington

On the 14th of February 2019, cooperation was established between the Archives of Vojvodina and the Library of Congress in Washington, one of the biggest and most important libraries in the world. The cooperation, as part of the DMEP (Duplicate Materials Exchange Program) program, includes the exchange of publications between the two institutions, which was initiated by the Library of Congress.

Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archives of Vojvodina, believes that this way the publications by the Archives can become available to the expert public on a global scale. Likewise, Dr. Kuzmanović expects that the cooperation will contribute to the enrichment of the library fonds of the archive library with the newest titles which are published all over the world, mainly from the field of archival sciences and historiography, which will contribute to the work of archival experts in the Archives. The aforementioned publications will be available to all interested users, via research in the Reading Room of the Archives of Vojvodina.

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