Председник Републике Србије Александар Вучић одликовао директора Архива Војводине др Небојшу Кузмановића Златном медаљом за заслуге

The President of the Republic of Serbia Awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for His Achievements

On Saturday the 15th of February 2020, at the ceremony held in honor of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia – Sretenje, the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for his achievements in the field of public activities and the protection of cultural heritage.

This prestigious award was given to the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, as part of the ceremony held at the presidential residence.

During the event the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina met with and talked to the Secretary General of the President of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, member of the Croatian Parliament and President of the Serb National Council Dr. Milorad Pupovac, university professor Dr. Sima Avramović and member of the Awards Committee (Komisija za dodelu odlikovanja) Živorad Ajdačić.

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