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Continuation of the Visit to Archives in Budapest

On the 17th of October 2018, a delegation of the Archives of Vojvodina, headed by Director Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, visited the
Pest County Archives in Budapest. Dr. Laslo Šramek (László Schramek), the Director of the archive, met up with the delegation and presented them with documents selected from the archive, that deal with the history of Serbs on historically Hungarian territories, especially from Srpski Kovin and Sentandreje (Szentendre). According to the arrangement, those valuable documents will be scanned and handed to the Archives of Vojvodina. The delegation also had the opportunity to see old written notes of the City Assembly of Sentandreje from the 18th century, that were written in the Serbian language, in the Cyrillic alphabet.

After this the delegation went to the Budapest City Archives where they were met by Dr. Ištvan Kenjereš (Istvan Kenyeresi), the Director of the archive, together with his colleagues. During the discussion, and based on the agreement of cooperation by the two institutions, the main topic was the international project Vremeplov, with participation by ICARUS (International centre for Archival Research), the Budapest City Archives and institutions from countries neighboring Hungary, including among them Serbia. As partners, many archives and museums from Serbia would participate.

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