Сарадња младог стручњака из Ирске и Архива Војводине

Cooperation Between a Young Expert from Ireland and the Archives of Vojvodina

Today, on the 22nd of February 2021, the Archives of Vojvodina were visited by a young expert from the Republic of Ireland called Jason MacCarthy that has finished his studies of balkanistica at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London.

At the meeting with the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, the Director’s assistant Kirstijan Obšust and archivist Ljiljana Bubnjević, cooperation was agreed upon in regard to researching topics that deal with the participation of Irishmen at the Salonica Front during the First World War which, in the next few months, Jason MacCarthy will conduct at the Archives of Vojvodina and Serbia. As part of the visit to the Archives, our guest from Ireland visited the Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration, as well as the exhibition by the Museum of Unification 1918.

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