Изјава др Небојше Кузмановића за емисију „Прозорница” РТРС

A Statement by Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović for the ”Prozornica” Show on RTRS

The ”Prozornica” show, broadcasted on Radio Television Republic of Srpska, follows all current events from culture, which is why it also followed the promotion of the new publication by the Archives of Vojvodina, Eparchy of Bačka and the Archives of the Republic of Srpska titled ”Ustashe Atrocities – a Collection of Documents (1941-1942)” (Ustaška zverstva – Zbornik documenata (1941-1942)), that was held in Banja Luka on the 12th of November 2020 in the large hall of the Banski Dvor – Cultural Center.

Video (source РТРС)


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