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The Holocaust, European Values and Local History

The project “The Holocaust, European Values and Local History”

Dear friends, in these moments when we are all fighting together to suppress the coronavirus pandemics, it is our duty to show solidarity, calmness, and follow the instructions of healthcare professionals in a rational and disciplined manner. But also, defying the coronavirus, life must go on, and we must continue to work and create in […]

The project “The Holocaust, European Values and Local History” Read More »

Kонститутивни састанак Комисије за прикупљање података о жртвама Срема у току Другог светског рата

A Constructive Meeting by the Commission for Gathering Information about the Victims in Srem During the Second World War

Today on the 13th of March 2020, at the Archives of Vojvodina, a constructive meeting was held by the Commission and Workgroup for registering victims of the war in Srem 1941-1945. Apart from the President of the Commission, the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, the meeting was attended by members of

A Constructive Meeting by the Commission for Gathering Information about the Victims in Srem During the Second World War Read More »



On the 11th of March, the director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović signed a cooperation agreement between the Archives of Vojvodina and Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center. On behalf of Yad Vashem, the agreement was previously signed by Mr. Avner Shalev, chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate. The aim of


Наставак сарадње Музеја Словачког народног устанка и Архива Војводине

The Continuation of the Cooperation Between the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising and the Archives of Vojvodina

On Friday the 6th of March 2020, the Archives of Vojvodina was visited by employees from the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising (Banská Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia). Among the delegates from Banská Bystrica were historian and professor Dr. Marek Syrný, Head of the Educational Center of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising Dr.

The Continuation of the Cooperation Between the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising and the Archives of Vojvodina Read More »

Стручни скуп у Архиву Војводине о примени Закона о спречавању насиља у породици

An Expert Meeting at the Archives of Vojvodina Concerning the Application of the Law for Preventing Domestic Violence

Today on the 6th of March at the Archives of Vojvodina, as part of the International Women’s Day, the Congressional Education Center (Kongresni edukativni centar) organized an expert meeting concerning the application of the Law for Preventing Domestic Violence (Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici). Participants of the meeting, who deal with family protection, fight

An Expert Meeting at the Archives of Vojvodina Concerning the Application of the Law for Preventing Domestic Violence Read More »

Предавање „Дигитализациони центар у Банској Бистрици као резултат националног пројекта”

”Digitization Center in Banská Bystrica as a Result of a National Project” Lecture

Yesterday, on the 3rd of March 2020 at the gallery area of the Archives of Vojvodina, the Head of the Digitization Center of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising from Banská Bystrica, engineer Ján Šperka, held a lecture titled ”Digitization Center in Banská Bystrica as a result of a national project” through which he

”Digitization Center in Banská Bystrica as a Result of a National Project” Lecture Read More »

Отворена изложба академске сликарке Норе Љубановић

An Exhibition by Academic Painter Nora Ljubanović Officially Opens

On Friday the 28th of February 2020, an exhibition by the academic painter Nora Ljubanović officially opened at the Archives of Vojvodina. The exhibition is a combination of figure painting and abstract art and represents mostly spiritual topics. Speakers at the exhibition were: Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Nora Ljubanović, academic

An Exhibition by Academic Painter Nora Ljubanović Officially Opens Read More »

Председник Републике Србије Александар Вучић одликовао директора Архива Војводине др Небојшу Кузмановића Златном медаљом за заслуге

The President of the Republic of Serbia Awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for His Achievements

On Saturday the 15th of February 2020, at the ceremony held in honor of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia – Sretenje, the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for his achievements in the field of

The President of the Republic of Serbia Awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for His Achievements Read More »

Одржан састанак поводом заједничке издавачке делатности Архива Војводине и Етнографског института САНУ

A Meeting was Held as Part of the Mutual Publishing Activities of the Archives of Vojvodina and the Institute of Ethnography of the SASA

On the 14th of February 2020, at the Institute of Ethnography of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, a meeting was held regarding the conceptualization of a collection of works titled ”Propaganda and Public Narratives in Socialist Yugoslavia” (Propaganda i javni narativi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji) whose publication is planned to take place at the

A Meeting was Held as Part of the Mutual Publishing Activities of the Archives of Vojvodina and the Institute of Ethnography of the SASA Read More »

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