Nebojša Kuzmanović graduated from the Department of Sociology and Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. At the same faculty, he obtained his master‘s degree at the Department of Serbian and Comparative Literature with the thesis entitled “Serbian-Slovak Literary Ties of Risto Kovijanić”, and then defended his doctoral dissertation “Serbian-Slovak Literary and Cultural Ties in the Age of Romanticism”.

He was the deputy editor-in-chief of Gaudeamus, Novi Sad student newspaper, and the editor in the Novi Sad Literary Society. He has worked in the editorial offices of Krovovi (Sremski Karlovci) and Pisac and Adresa (Novi Sad) magazines. He founded Istočnik publishing house in 1994 and ran it until 1998. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Association of Writers of Vojvodina. In 1999, he was elected editor-in-chief of “DIS” Literary Club (Bačka Palanka). Establishing it in late 2001 in Bačka Palanka, he has been the editor-in-chief of Sunčanik, a journal for culture, literature, and arts. He has also been the editor-in-chief of “Logos”, Association of Science and Creativity, since 2003. Since 2002 he has been a member of Matica srpska and Matica slovenská, and in 2012 he was elected the first president of the Society of Matica srpska members in Bačka Palanka. Since 1997, he worked in the municipal administration of Bačka Palanka, as an officer for culture, education inspector and head for social affairs, until the Assembly of Vojvodina elected him deputy secretary for culture, public information and relations with religious communities in 2016. Since July 2018 he has been the director of the Archives of Vojvodina in Novi Sad.

He is the author of more than a hundred papers from various scientific fields and twenty books, with the most significant in the context of Serbian-Slovak relations being: Encounter of Cultures – Serbian-Slovak Literary-Cultural Ties of Risto Kovijanić (Bačka Palanka 2003, 2005); Romanticism in Serbian-Slovak Cultural Ties (Bačka Palanka / Novi Sad 2011) and The Nađmeđer Valley of Death of Risto Kovijanić (Novi Sad / Bratislava / Belgrade 2016).

He has been publishing essays, reviews and scientific papers since 1986 in various national and international journals and magazines. In addition, he is the author of numerous articles published in Slovak magazines in Serbia and Slovakia: New Life (Nový život), New Day (Nový deň), Culture (Kultúra), Slovak National Newspaper (Slovenské národné noviny), Slovak Slavistics (Slavica Slovaca), Literary Weekly Magazine (Literárny týždenník), Slovak Views (Slovenské pohľady) and in the journal of Matica slovenská from Martin, Slovakia (Slovensko).

He has been awarded numerous recognitions: October Award of the Municipality of Bačka Palanka for social activities and the development of multicultural ties and relations; Recognition of the Municipality of Trpinja (Republic of Croatia) for special contribution to preserving cultural identity and connecting the Serbian ethnic community with Matica; the Golden Badge of the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia and the Ministry of Diaspora of the Government of the Republic of Serbia; the Charter of the Petar Kočić Endowment from Banja Luka for contribution and assistance in the development of international cultural cooperation; awards of the Cultural Center “Pavle Marković Adamov” from Sremski Karlovci for contribution to illuminating Serbian-Slovak relations; “Ďakovný diplom” – the highest recognition given by Matica slovenská in Serbia at Slovak Folk Festival; The Svetozar Miletić Medal, awarded by the Association of Serbs in Slovakia; annual awards of the Journalists‘ Association of Vojvodina “Dimitrije Fručić” and Plaque of the Joint Council of Serbian Municipalities in Vukovar.

The full bibliography of the author is available at:

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