Успостављена сарадња Архива Војводине са Националним архивом Републике Чешке и Катедром за помоћне историјске науке и архивистику Филозофског факултета Карловог универзитета у Прагу

Cooperation was Established Between the Archives of Vojvodina and the National Archives of the Czech Republic and the Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague

At the invitation of the Director and management of the National Archives of the Czech Republic, the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, social-anthropologist and archaeologist Kristijan Obšust and digitization operative Vladimir Mučibabić visited the National Archives of the Czech Republic in Prague.

At the meeting with the Director of the Archives of the Czech Republic Dr. Eva Drašarová, Csc, representative of the director and professional consultant Dr. Zdeňka Kokošková, professor Dr. doc. PhDr. Ivana Ebelová, CSc from the Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University as well as the Head of the Second Department Mgr. Jan Kahuda, PhD, the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović and Kristijan Obšust informed the management of the National Archives of the Czech Republic as well as the representative of the Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University about the basic, project-wise and publishing activities of the Archives of Vojvodina.

During the meeting a multilayered and an all encompassing cooperation between the Archives of Vojvodina and the National Archives of the Czech Republic was agreed upon in the sense of exchanging researchers, mutual participation in archival conferences and consultations, actualizing potential mutual research projects, mutual participation in educational and professional consultations as well as publishing and exhibition activities. Together with the representative of the Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University, cooperation was also established in the sense of exchanging researchers as well as in the context of educational and professional training in the fields of archival theory and its implementation. Apart from the aforementioned, representatives of the National Archives of the Czech Republic offered to aid the Archives of Vojvodina with regards to digitization, conservation, restoration and implementation of new archival standards from the field of legislation as well as new archival tendencies that the National Archives of the Czech Republic conducts as part of a annual ”Digital Archive” project.

After the meeting, the hosts took the representatives of the Archives of Vojvodina to see the archival building complex of the National Archives of the Czech Republic, whereby they were presented with certain segments of the way the National Archives work. Among other things, certain segments of the conservation and restoration process were presented, the way archival documents are stored in optimal micro-climate environments, the way the Library and the Reading Room function etc. Apart from the aforementioned, the delegation of the Archives of Vojvodina was also shown several key documents from the vast fonds of the National Archives of the Czech Republic, as well as documents that deal with Serbian and Czech relations throughout history, which was presented by professional archivist  Мgr. David Hubený, PhD.

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