Министарка културе Словачке Републике госпођа Љубица Лашакова (L'ubica LAŠÁKOVÁ) са својом делегацијом у посети Архиву Војводине

Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic Visits the Archives of Vojvodina

Today on the 22nd of February 2019, the Archives of Vojvodina were visited by the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Mrs. Ljubica Lašakova (L’ubica LAŠÁKOVÁ) together with her delegation.

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina, Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, showed her the:

  1. Project that belongs to the cultural heritage which deals with digitization and presentation of archival holdings from fond F. 183 of the Archives of Vojvodina, by creating an internet platform which will contain a variety of topics. The project includes digitization, translating and presenting documents in the Slovak language which were unavailable until now, and which were categorized as cultural property of exceptional importance. Documents would be scanned, processed and presented on a specifically made internet platform. These documents were created by the Commission for Investigation of Crimes Committed by the Occupiers and their Collaborators in Vojvodina, aka Survey Commission for Investigation of War Crimes Committed Against Slovaks, which represents a fond with a total of 1728 documents.
  2. Founding document of the Matica Slovačka from 1932.
  3. Our oldest documents from the 12th to the 17th century – six sheets of parchment and five manuscript codexes on paper, among which is the fragment of the Brevijar manuscript, on two sheets of parchment, which is one of the oldest documents not only in this archive but also in Serbia. It contains a liturgical text, written in Latin on both sides, in the ”Carolingian minuscule”.
  4. A diploma by the Austrian Emperor Franc Jozef I (Franz Joseph I) whereby the Serbian Patriarch Josif Rajačić was given the title of Baron, with the added honorifics ”prädikate von Brinski ” in 1861.

The honored guests also visited the exhibition in the Museum of Unification 1918 (Muzej prisjedinjenja 1918 godine).

The Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic visits the Republic of Serbia every year in order to attend the traditional International Mother Language Day that is held in Kovačica on the 21st of February. Likewise, the Minister met with her Serbian colleague Mr. Vladan Vukosavljević, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, and, together with her delegation, visited the members of the Slovak national minority in Vojvodina, as well as representatives of the Novi Sad government and the Archives of Vojvodina.

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