Састанак директора архива АП Војводине у Архиву Војводине

Meeting of Directors of Archives from the AP Vojvodina in the Archives of Vojvodina

Today on the 24th of December 2018, a meeting was held in the Archives of Vojvodina between directors of archives from the AP Vojvodina whereby a report by the Archives of Vojvodina, concerning the duty of protecting the archival holdings located on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, was being considered. Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archives of Vojvodina, started the meeting and gladly expressed his support for archives to analyse and contemplate ideas and questions in the field, on meetings such as these. The report was presented by Milena Popović Subić, program director of the Archives of Vojvodina.

Current problems, about the function of archives as an institution of protection, were addressed on the meeting. The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina introduced the attendees with the newly elected President of the Association of Archival Workers of Vojvodina (AAWV), Miroslav Jaćimović MA, and he expressed readiness to offer full support to AAWV. Likewise, he informed the directors of the archives about the mutual cooperation in promoting the work of archives.

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