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Roundtable Meeting in the Archives of Vojvodina (10th of January 2019)

The public discourse about the Draft Bill for Archival Holdings and Archival Function, began today on the 10th of January 2019 in the Archives of Vojvodina in Novi Sad and will last until the 29th of January 2019.

Before the start of the roundtable meeting, Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archives of Vojvodina, greeted the representatives from: The Ministry of Culture and Public Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, the City Administration for Culture, the directors of archives in Vojvodina as well as archivists and journalists.

Among the attendees present at the discussion of the Draft Bill were: Danijela Vanušić, Assistant Minister of Culture and Public Information of the Republic of Serbia; members of the Committee for Preparing the Draft Bill: Milan Vojvodić, independent advisor in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication; Nevenka Mihajlović, advisor, and Tatjana Bojić Jurić, independent advisor in the Ministry of Culture; Milan Jakšić, retired archival consultant, who was also the moderator of the program, Marija Milošević, senior archivist in the Archive of Serbia and Vesna Bašić, archival consultant in the Archives of Vojvodina.

After the introductory words by Danijela Vanušić, at the beginning of the discussion, Milan Jakšić pointed out the importance of voting for a new Draft Bill for Archival Holdings and Archival Function which organizes the protection of archival holdings and documented materials, conditions and usage of archival holdings, the organization, jurisdiction and activity of the archives in the Republic of Serbia. After that he elaborated on the opinions and suggestions of the Committee, clarified the previous condition of the Bill’s regulations, problems and innovations in light of this new Draft Bill, and noted the  previous committee members.

Afterwards, the discussion was followed by constructive criticism and suggested solutions for the Draft Bill by: Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Milena Popović Subić, Ljiljana Dožić, Ognjan Ilić and Dragan Tanasković from the Archives of Vojvodina, Veljko Novaković from the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Vojvodina, Milan Srdić from the Historical Archive Kikinda and Zoltan Mesaroš from the Historical Archives of Subotica.

The schedule for the next discussions (in Niš and Belgrade) was published on the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia site as well as the text of the Draft Bill http:/www.kultura.gov.rs/

Criticism, opinions and suggestions are sent to the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia by e/mail: zakonarhivi@kultura.gov.rs or by mail on the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia address, 11000 Belgrade, Vlajkovićeva 3.

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