Подршка Архиву Војводине од Министарства спољних послова Државе Израел

Support for the Archives of Vojvodina from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Acusations published in several local media against the Archives of Vojvodina and its director, Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, holding them “responsible” for the incident during the visit of Novi Sad high school students to the Exhibition dedicated to the victims of the Čurug Raid, were both wrong and absurd.

My impression from  the director (In the picture during a visit in Israel in my office)  is no doubt  of a true friend of israel and  a true activist for the cause of holocaust studies and  archive work about jewish presence in Serbia.

He is in partnership with leading Israeli institutions including Yad Vashem and the Archives of the National Library of Israel.

The Archive he is leading is considered as one of the leading institutions in Serbia in publishing and  creating exhibitions  on Jewish heritage and holocaust.


Dan Oryan

Ambassador to North Macedonia, Director of Balkan Department at Israel MFA

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