Archives of Vojvodina


Regulations, resolutions, standards and other normativesregarding archival materials and archival practice. Constitution of the Republic of Serbia Laws Decree of the Serbian Government Decision of the Minister of Culture Regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Information Standards of ICA Guidelines

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Kristijan Obšust

Kristijan Obšust is a social anthropologist and an archaeologist (MSc). He studied and graduated at the Department of Archaeology and the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. He is an independent researcher, the founder of the Centre for Collective Identity and Political Mythology Research, expert associate of several

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Nebojša Kuzmanović graduated from the Department of Sociology and Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. At the same faculty, he obtained his master‘s degree at the Department of Serbian and Comparative Literature with the thesis entitled “Serbian-Slovak Literary Ties of Risto Kovijanić”, and then defended his doctoral dissertation “Serbian-Slovak Literary and Cultural Ties


Nebojša Kuzmanović Biography

Nebojša Kuzmanović graduated from the Department of Sociology and Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. At the same faculty, he obtained his master‘s degree at the Department of Serbian and Comparative Literature with the thesis entitled “Serbian-Slovak Literary Ties of Risto Kovijanić”, and then defended his doctoral dissertation “Serbian-Slovak Literary and Cultural Ties

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Through the Archives of Vojvodina`s Fonds and Collections

There were 616 documents on 215 boards on the exhibition, chosen using chronological method, historical significance, scientific, cultural and artistic values. Copies of the documents were made for the exhibition, which were, due to their authenticity, identical to the originals. On the exhibition there were exposed the most significant and most precious documents which reveal

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Donations and Purchase

If you have documents that are of any importance to the history of the AP Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia or beyond, or feel that they are relevant to the history of the profession you are dealing with, become the donor of the Archive of Vojvodina! Offer us a gift or purchase of old documents,

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Publications in Electronic Form

Catalogs:         Special Editions: Analytical Inventories:   Proceedings: 1.Зборник радова са Mеђународне конференције Архив, медији и култура сећања у Првом светском рату, Нови Сад, 29–30. октобар 2014. године. 2.Радови који су изложени на Другој конференцији Учешће добровољаца и улога цивилног становништва у Првом светском рату (29–30. октобар 2015), овде доносимо у форми

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