Директор Архива Војводине на међународној конференцији поводом 20-годишњице агресије НАТО-а на нашу земљу у Дому војске Србије у Београду

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Attends the International Conference Dedicated to the 20 Year Anniversary Since the NATO Aggression on Our Country at the Military Club of Serbia

Invited by the President of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals Živadin Jovanović, former minister of foreign affairs of FR Yugoslavia and also one of the organizers of the conference “Mir i napredak umesto ratova i siromaštva“ (Peace and Progress Instead of War and Poverty), the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. […]

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Attends the International Conference Dedicated to the 20 Year Anniversary Since the NATO Aggression on Our Country at the Military Club of Serbia Read More »