Archives of Vojvodina

Председник Републике Србије Александар Вучић одликовао директора Архива Војводине др Небојшу Кузмановића Златном медаљом за заслуге

The President of the Republic of Serbia Awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for His Achievements

On Saturday the 15th of February 2020, at the ceremony held in honor of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia – Sretenje, the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for his achievements in the field of […]

The President of the Republic of Serbia Awarded the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović with a Gold Medal for His Achievements Read More »

Уговорена сарадња између Архива Војводине и „Службеног гласника”

Cooperation Established Between the Archives of Vojvodina and the ”Official Gazette”

On Monday the 10th of February 2020, the Archives of Vojvodina was visited by representatives of the publishing company ”Official Gazette” (Službeni glasnik) from Belgrade – Petar B. Arbutina, Executive Director of the Publishing Sector, Borisav Čeliković, editor, and historian Dr. Nebojša Petrović.

Cooperation Established Between the Archives of Vojvodina and the ”Official Gazette” Read More »

Директор Архива Војводине у посети Хиландару

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Visits Hilandar Monastery

Last week the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, via blessing by the Hegumen (Abbot) Archimandrite Teodosije, stayed at Hilandar Monastery. During his stay on Mount Athos (Holy Mountain), Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović visited Hilandar where he met with the clerics. At the meeting with the Assistant Hegumen Heiromonk Teodosije the main, publishing

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Visits Hilandar Monastery Read More »

Управник Народне библиотеке Србије у посети Архиву Војводине

Manager of the National Library of Serbia Visits the Archives of Vojvodina

On the 24th of January 2020, the Archives of Vojvodina was visited by Laslo Blašković, Manager of the National Library of Serbia. The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina, Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović and Mr. Laslo Blašković talked about possible cooperation between the two institutions.

Manager of the National Library of Serbia Visits the Archives of Vojvodina Read More »

Вредна документа из Другог светског рата поклоњена Архиву Војводине

Valuable Documents from the Second World War Given as a Gift to the Archives of Vojvodina

On the 23rd of January 2020, the Archives of Vojvodina received a gift in the form of archival documents of about 0,05 m, that was privately owned by Mr. Jovan Babić. The content of the archival documents deals with the Jasenovac concentration camp in the Independent State of Croatia.

Valuable Documents from the Second World War Given as a Gift to the Archives of Vojvodina Read More »

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